dissabte, 5 de novembre del 2011

Three meters above the sky.

Babi meets Hache (Hugo Libera). They belong to different worlds. At the beginning does not support, but little by little and that Katina, the best friend of Babi, leaves with chicken, best friend of Hache, then Babi begins to become a friend of Hache and is entering the world of motorcycles and crime. Hache, became violent to discover her mother with another man who was not his father. Gives him a beating to the lover of her mother and they take him to trial in which the mother of Hache does not defend her son. He is named guilty and ordered to pay a fine for background. Katina and chicken fall in love and gradually also do Babi and Hache. Babi loses virginity with Hache (he respect until that decision). But the end of this story is not just good; Babi leaves Hache for several reasons. Hache attends the feast of Babi eighteen to apologize, but there is peeled with a guy who has a crush on Babi. She never forgive. At the party Babi and Hache hear of that Katina and chicken has had a serious accident in an illegal motorcycle race. They quickly decided to go to the scene of the accident, chicken dies and Katina luckily is saved, but has some or another wound in the body. Babi decides to finally leave Hache forever.

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